Sunday 3 August 2008

Stephen King “I used to tell people I wrote every day except Christmas, but that was a lie - I used to write on Christmas Day as well.”

22.5 hours writing this week. Not too shabby, especially as I throttled back a bit since I sent my latest metlab draft off to on Thursday. I’m quiet happy with it - I had enough time since the last draft to put it away for a bit, re read it, then do another half-draft. Is it just me, or does anyone else get a feeling of anti-climax, almost loss, when they reach a deadline and finish a draft?
I’ve got back into the writing habit now - I’ve fallen back in love with it, which is good, cos I haven’t got time to slack for long - I’ve got a rom-com I’ve wanted to write for ages, that I’m going to try to tackle between metlab drafts; a proposal for Digital Shorts to work on; and a short story I want to write. And that’s just the tip of the project-iceberg I want to .. er, ram my writing bows into.

Hmm, didn’t really think that metaphor thorough, did I? ;)



Sofluid said...

What's a metlab draft? I'm new to all this and I haven't heard of that before...

Chip Smith said...

Take it from me, Michelle, a METLAB draft is a slow, long spiral to dribbling insanity. Either that or I've been staring at the same page for far too long.

By the way, lookin' buff in your new photo, Mister A! Grrr!

martin said...

Hello Michelle - metlab is a scheme run by a mad proffesor called John Sweeney for the London Metropolitan University. Cos it's a trial year, it was free this year - you pitch a low budget, genre idea, and they pay for a script editor to develop it with you. (the script editor being the blogosphere's own Lucy Vee)

read more here -

Chip - grr yourself!! how'd the latest draft go??

Chip Smith said...

Latest draft - hmmm... I'm sort of back at outline stage at the moment, trying to figure out a way out of the morass my last draft ended up in!

Congrats on the BSSC double header!

Elinor said...

Yes, nice one Martin on the BSSC and the Metlab draft. Glad to hear you are in love with writing again - why else would we do it? Certainly not for the easy money, ha ha.

Sofluid said...

Oh, I see, and thanks for the link! I'm not sure I'll be elligible to enter this year though what with being in Aus until New Year...